
Photo by Greg Drexler

1 Month Free Click Here
Seeing Sharp-tails in Wisconsin's NW Sands? Your observations on the barrens are valuable! Share your onX pins with the Wisconsin Sharp-tailed Grouse Society and make an impact on land management where Sharptails reside.
Everything you share is confidential and will not be distributed directly to the WDNR.
WSGS will compile your observations and report important trends or summaries.
This information is absolutely essential to better understand the Sharp-tailed grouse's habitat preferences and population dynamics. By combining your observations with those of other barrens users, WSGS will gain a much clearer, more accurate picture of brood success and landscape use. Outside of the lekking season, Sharp-tailed grouse habits are largely speculated. With your help, we can fill in the gaps.
Citizen Science at this level is new to Sharp-tailed grouse management and your participation is absolutely critical. Be a part of something ground-breaking and innovative.
Your input can make a real difference!
See directions to share a waypoint below.
If you already have many waypoints you'd like to share together, see instructions at the bottom of the page.
Within the onX app, drop a waypoint on the spot you saw or flushed Sharp-tailed grouse. Using the notes field within the waypoint, give us some basic information, see below.

After saving, click that Waypoint
and select "Share" at the bottom of the window.

Share that Waypoint via email with a link to:

Organizing Waypoints into Folders
Open onX Hunt: Launch the onX Hunt app on your device.
Navigate to 'My Content': Tap on the "My Content" tab at the bottom of the screen.
Create a Folder:
Tap on "Create Folder" at the top of the "My Content" screen.
Enter a name for your new folder and save it.
Add Waypoints to the Folder:
Go back to "My Content" where your waypoints are listed.
Tap on the waypoint you want to add to a folder.
In the waypoint details, select "Add to Folder" or "Move to Folder."
Choose the folder you've created. Repeat for other waypoints as needed.
Sharing Folder
Sharing Multiple Waypoints or a Folder:
To share multiple waypoints or an entire folder, navigate to "My Content."
Select the folder containing the waypoints you want to share.
Tap on the folder and look for the "Share Folder" option.
Choose share via email and type in science@wisharptails.org